~~** CUT / DOCKED TAILS **~~
Grand total of 13 tails included. These include 4 different texture colors with 3 positions preset (Normal, Up, and Way Up) with scripted "Flag" animation and one basic, unscripted tail.
The flag animation is like a wag but in a more natural, animal like, up and down motion which indicates interest or desire.
Texture Colors Include;
- Black
- Bay
- Blonde
- White
Perfect for those looking for the warrior, tamed or super butch look or for those that wish to show off their back side and give a little bit of advertisement at the same time.
Compatible with Mesh and classic avatars ranging from tiny to super sized.
Tails come in unrigged mesh with flexi components for a realistic hair movement appearance.
All Come Copy and Mod so altering the color of the hair or the bands is limited to your own imagination or needs.