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SW - Steampunk Outfit Black Crow Signature (Box)

SW - Steampunk Outfit Black Crow Signature (Box)

Steampunk Outfit Mod Black Crow has :

Steampunk Shirt for Signature Avatars.
Steampunk Pants for Signature Avatars.
Steampunk Pants for Signature Avatars for Boots.
Steampunk Pants for Signature Avatars for Sneakers.

Also the respective Huds for combinations of colors.

***Please try the Demo prior to purchase to be sure you like the styling and fit - ESPECIALLY if you wear a mesh body - every mesh body, shape, and alpha layers are different. You've got to try demos to be sure it will fit your particular shape and body.***

- For questions, suggestions and more
contact Grimgor Zaurak inworld via notecard