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.::Scuttlebutt::. Princess Cut Diamond Ring

.::Scuttlebutt::. Princess Cut Diamond Ring
.::Scuttlebutt::. Princess Cut Diamond Ring
0 Reseñas

Buy this ring, wear it, or transfer it to your loved one! She will say "YES"!

Product info:

~ The Princess Cut Diamond Ring is worn on the "left ring finger," by selecting right click on the mouse, "Attach to," and "left ring finger."

~ It can be moved by selecting "Edit" and "Move."

~ To adjust the size click on the ring to receive a menu to change the overall size.

~ This ring is NOT copyable, but it can be transferred to your loved one.

For questions, contact me in-world under the name "Sophie Sharkfin."

  • Adjustable Size (just click the ring)
  • Transferable to your loved ones
  • Affordable
  • Bento Capable
  • Modifiable

L$ 99

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


.::Scuttlebutt::.. A Tattoo Megastore
.::Scuttlebutt::.. A Tattoo Megastore
Vendido por: Sophie Sharkfin

Es necesaria la apertura

Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

Este objeto contiene objetos que se puede poner tu avatar.

Es apta para los avatares clásicos y de malla
Más información
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0 Reseñas
  • Copiar
  • Modificarlo
  • Transferencias
  • Usuario con licencia
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