Steampunk Staff (Enhanced Version)

Wear the staff in your right hand. To access Main Menu, either click on the wand, press SHIFT-F5 if you activated the included gestures, or type "/436 Main Menu".
Stop Spells - Derezes any spells that have been cast using the staff.
Select Target - Scans for up to 11 nearby avatars. Click on the name of the avatar you want to cast a spell on, or click on yourself. (Press SHIFT-F6 if you activated included gestures)
Particles - Toggles steam and electricity particle effects on and off. Also toggles rotating rings and gears.
Spells - Allows you to select the spell that you want to cast on the avatar selected from the Select Target menu. Spell list is below.
(Note: Please select a target before casting any of the spells below. Also, you must be on a sim that allows you to rez objects. Otherwise, the spells won't work.)
Black Smoke - Surrounds your target in black smoke. Lasts 10 seconds.
Light Pillar - Summons a pillar of light that shines down on you. Lasts 15 seconds.
Cage Trap - Summons a giant cage that will trap your target. If your target tries to sit somewhere to move, the cage will follow your target. Can be escaped using a Sphere of Protection or other NPV. Lasts 5 minutes or until dispelled using the "Stop Spells" command. (18 prims)
NPV Copter - Summons a helicopter next to your target. The copter is a Non-Physical Vehicle (or "NPV"). Click on the copter to use. This allows you to move through walls, objects and avatars, and makes you impervious to spells and griefing. (46 prims)
Storm - Summons a thunder storm over your target. Storm lasts for 30 seconds.
Steam Blast - Scalds your target in a pillar of steam, inflicting significant spell fire damage. Steam disappears after 5 seconds. (Command line: "/432 incinerate")
Remote Pod - Summons a tiny remote helicopter that attaches to your SL camera. When you activate spell, click "Yes" when asked for permission to track your camera. Clicking "No" puts the remote in stationary mode, until reset. Click on remote to access list of commands. (17 prims)
Stop: Derezzes remote
Reset: Resets remote, allowing you to switch between attaching to your camera and stationary mode.
Light Beam - toggles light beam on/off
Listen: Listens to local chat, and relays it back to owner. Click again to turn off
IM Listen: Listens to local chat, and relays it back to owner using IMs. Can be used in a different region than the owner, but more laggy, and script freezes for 2 seconds for each message.