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Swank & Co. Enchanted Gemstone Egg Candle Blue

Swank & Co. Enchanted Gemstone Egg Candle Blue
Swank & Co. Enchanted Gemstone Egg Candle Blue
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Swank & Co. brings you Enchanted Gemstone Egg Candles! These beautifully designed Candles will add an elegant touch of Spring to any room. The soft light and sparkle of these candles adds a warm feel to the room. The candles are decorated with a golden filigree of beautiful elegant curlicue tendrils reminiscent of Cinderella's carriage. The Candles come in eight beautiful colors: white, black, pink, purple, green, teal, yellow and blue. Just a touch changes the colors of the gemstones to your choice of 15 different gem colors, so each candle will have your unique touch. A resize menu allows you to make your candle the perfect size for your space. Set it on your fireplace mantel, your bookshelf, your dining room tablescape for your Springtime celebration dinner.

  • 15 Gem color texture menu
  • resize menu

L$ 199

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Swank & Co.
Swank & Co.
Vendido por: AdonisLubomir2

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