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Swimsuit Body

Swimsuit Body
Swimsuit Body
0 Reseñas

Xenia Swimsuit / Body TyMesh Full Perm Mesh


Pack Includes Fitted Mesh for:

Maitreya Lara
Slink Hourglass
Slink Physique
Belleza Freya
Belleza Isis
Belleza Venus


AO Map
UV Map
Normal Map
Specular Map
Pearl Bake Map to texture with lights/shadows
Sample Textures (2)

Terms of use, with purchase you agree:

1.You can set the price of the resulting product at any range. You may have it as a group gift, MM, hunt, lucky letter.
2.You are not allowed to give the contents of this pack away full perm.
3.To use this model to your design, you must make your own texture for it or purchase marketplace textures.
4.You can never give with copy/transfer permissions enabled at the same time.
5. You can not use this product on other platforms and you may not resell any components of the product

If you wish to make textures in your store to sell, leave me a notecard (Bivvia Resident) with your store URL and resident name.

TyMesh (Bivvia) is the ONLY authorized seller on marketplace. Purchasing from another store will result in DCMA.

Demos in inworld group free.

Customer Support --> Notecard to Bivvia Resident

  • Xenia Swimsuit / Body TyMesh Full Perm Mesh
  • Fitted for Maitreya, Slink Hourglass, Slink Physique , TMP, Altamura
  • Belleza (Isis, Venus, Freya)
  • Pearl Bake Map to texture with lights/shadows
  • + Sample Texture + Materials + AO + UV Map

L$ 380

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Obtener la versión de prueba
TyMesh Full Perm Mesh Reloaded
TyMesh Full Perm Mesh Reloaded
Vendido por: Bivvia

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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

Es apta para los avatares de malla
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  • Usuario con licencia
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