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..::Tasty::.. Heavy Weight Gym Weights //FULL PERM// (p)

..::Tasty::.. Heavy Weight Gym Weights //FULL PERM// (p)
..::Tasty::.. Heavy Weight Gym Weights //FULL PERM// (p)

* Materials Enabled Items

Within This Pack You'll Find The - Heavy Weight Gym Weights Pack


100% FULL PERM And 100% Mesh With Materials Layers Enabled.

..::Tasty::.. Heavy Weight Gym Weight - 1 Land Impact
..::Tasty::.. Heavy Weight Gym Bench - 1 Land Impact
..::Tasty::.. Heavy Weight Gym Weights Wrack - 1 Land Impact

AMAZING Detail And A SUPER LOW Land Impact Total For EACH Of These Awesomely Realistic Pieces.

If You're Thinking Of Starting Up Your very Own Fitness Center Or Gym In Second Life, Then THIS Is A Definite Must Have For YOU! Even For A Home Gym, This, Alongside The Other Awesomely Realistic "Gym Inspired" Items Available Now, Will Make An AWESOME Set Up For You & Your Friends. A Complete One Of A Kind! You WON'T Find Anything Else Suitable With This Incredibly Low Land Impact & Realistic Detailing Anywhere Else.

I've Brought These In On A MEDIUM LOD Factor, Bringing Them In Any Higher Would Have Raised The Land Impact Limit, So I do Hope You're Satisfied With The End Product.


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Have Fun & ENJOY!

  • ..::Tasty::.. Heavy Weight Gym Weight
  • ..::Tasty::.. Heavy Weight Gym Bench
  • ..::Tasty::.. Heavy Weight Gym Weights Wrack
Clasificación media: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publicado June 29, 2019 por Cosmeja

looks nice but since Bench and weight is made of a single pice and the whole thing is having just a single face, there is no way to use this for animations.
Builders... dont waste your money on this !!!

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Vendido por: TastyDesigns

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Malla: 100% Malla
Impacto en el terreno: 3