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Tea Cup Ride Merry-Go-Round

Tea Cup Ride Merry-Go-Round

A little merry-go-round with porcelain tea cups that will seat up to 10 users.

The ride can be changed to 3 different texture themes: (i) white with pink roses, (ii) pastel rainbow colors, and (iii) Delft blue flowers and windmills. It will play 8 minutes worth of music box-style melodies when it's turning and the sound lever of these can be changed (loud, soft, silenced). Each individual user can also changed the motions of their arms (arms up, two different waving motions and arms down). The Land Impact of the Tea Cup Ride is 32.

The pack also includes an arrangement of poles holding up incandescent light bulbs on a string. The colors of these lights and the pattern in which they blink (or all stay on or off) can be changed too. The Land Impact of the lights setup is 20.

Check out the ride in-world by clicking the 'See item in Second Life ®' link, or watch a video of the ride on YouTube by clicking the 'View Video »' link below.

* Disclaimer: the Objects are Mod. The scripts inside are No Mod. Land Impact may change upon resizing.

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