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Temple Incense Burner

Temple Incense Burner

Place the Temple Incense Burner object where you like. When someone clicks or touches it they will be given some "INCENSE to hold".

If the person wears the "INCENSE to hold" their avatar will do a bowing and praying animation.

The Temple Incense burner comes in 5 different versions, so you can choose the one that is right for you.

They are:

- Temple Incense Burner : The full sculpted item with incense stick giver script. (72 prims)

- Temple Incense Burner - no give : The full sculpted item with NO incense stick giver script. (72 prims)

- Temple Incense Burner - no canopy : without the pagoda roof (63 prims)

- Temple Incense Burner - simple : simple (23 prim) version without sculpted dragons handles, the dragons are alpha textures.

- Temple Incense Burner - simple - no canopy : low prim version without pagoda roof (16 prims)

Clasificación media: estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena media estrella estrella vacía
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  • 1 estrella:
72 prims?
estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía estrella vacía estrella vacía Publicado December 12, 2021 por SHyJbuilder

Its beautiful but I don´t think 72 prims in a non mody item is something to hide in the advertisement.

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Perfect piece
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado August 15, 2015 por effemel

This was the perfect detailed piece for a build I did. If you have the prims for it, it's definitely worth the linden.

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