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Trompe Loeil - Bookworm Hideaway Customization Pack

Trompe Loeil - Bookworm Hideaway Customization Pack
Trompe Loeil - Bookworm Hideaway Customization Pack
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The Bookworm Hideaway Customization Pack unlocks all the imagination potential of your Bookworm Hideaway by Trompe Loeil!

This customization pack includes base textures and AO maps for all book covers, opening pages, floor cushions, and floor tapestry included in the Bookworm Hideaway (sold separately). Files are provided full permission so you can easily save them to your computer for modification in your favorite image editor.

****NOTE: This product is a customization pack only and does NOT include the Bookworm Hideaway product! You will only be purchasing image files for modifying a product sold separately!

You can purchase the Bookworm Hideaway using the Related Items links below.

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L$ 150

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Trompe Loeil
Trompe Loeil
Vendido por: Cory Edo

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