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Undress me Harem Girl mesh rigged yellow outfit hair arabic

Undress me Harem Girl mesh rigged yellow outfit hair arabic

Who dreamed of undressing a so lovely woman ?
Would you please your boyfriend ?
This is an opportunity ! Have fun ^_^

This product requires the use of MESH SL Viewer and is available for
Slink (Physique + Hourglass) , Maitreya
WARNING NO ALPHA is one UNDRESS ME by others OR STRIP OUTFIT by yourself (it is impossible to wear an alpha or your body will be transparent) ........... TEST THE FREE DEMO
Available 7 colors

undress by step 1- shoe right with leg jewel , 2- shoe left with leg jewel , 3- shawl , 4- torso jewel , 5- necklace R , 6- arms L + R jewel , 7- skirt in front , 8- skirt behind , 9- bra , 10- pantie nices sentences (wait a few seconds for change sentence)
+ one button undress all at once time
+ the button Dress me , dress you fully at all steps
+ Auto Strip with changeable interval (auto strip time)
if a person clicks, without permission, you will get a Dialog, asking you, if you want to grant access.
Access menu : public, group or your list
Random sentences that can be repeated , undress slowly (a few seconds) to change sentences

TEST THE FREE DEMO PLEASE (only 5 minutes) only rigged parts
DEMO Undress me Harem Girl mesh rigged pink outfit hair arabic
- DEMO Undress me Harem outfit pink mesh rigged ADD (with menu and request)
3 sizes to test
- DEMO Harem hair extra long mesh rigged dark blond

In the pack 1 color :
- Undress me Harem outfit mesh rigged ADD (with menu and request)
- Harem hair extra long mesh rigged dark blond
- Harem veil for mouth mesh unrigged resize stretch
- Earring left ear
- Earring right ear
- Rose mesh with arabian dance + music (ADD) -clic the rose-
- Rose mesh with arabian dance (ADD) -clic the rose-
- Rose mesh unscripted


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