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Valentines Day 2024 Release, enjoy!


Our voice dots are unpacked at purchase and will be in your Received Items Folder, they are copy no mod/transfer. They have a slow rotation script on them so once you open the folder you just select "ADD" and the item appears where your voice dot is or would be if you had it enabled. It doesn't mean you can only wear them if voice is enabled, you can wear them even if voice is disabled. Please read the notecard included in the folder this will give information and it thanks you for your purchase.


Redelivery Note:

Automatic redelivery is offered here for regular purchases however if you have it customized and it isn't offered as a resell there is no redelivery for it, you will need to do a backup box and keep it safe incase you lose your [VC] voice dot that is customized.


Reviews And Other Information

1) PLEASE leave a review, as it helps people learn about our Voice Dots and our other products, we would appreciate it greatly!

2) Also before leaving a negative or bad review please consider reaching out to me with your questions, concerns and issues. I'll gladly help you!

3) Please be considerate and polite as I reserve the right to offer help and support, if you are rude or disrespectful, save the drama for someone interested.


Means Of Contact:

1] VioletCrush Bravin - Inworld (notecard if I don't reply, I'm likely in RL.

2] Very Cherry - https://discord.gg/nVsGB9wHaB - Discord Invite which the stores official Discord group if I don't reply please use my personal discord.

3] ArumLynnFoxx3502 - Discord (is impossible to lose you contact like SL can and sometimes often does).

Customization Information

With voice dot's we can do limited customizations!
We can add scripts to add more features however there isn't a HUD or way to control the features we add. So to combat this issue we limit what we CAN do. Most scripts is an easy walk in the park adding them to creations and it might be possible for some scripts to be turned on and off by touching the [VC] Voice Dot (we haven't tried or tested this however it is an option we can look into). Attaching prims or mesh we aren't certain as to how receptive this will be or if it will break the [VC] Voice dot but we are willing to try and see what we can and can't do for your customized dreams to come true and you even get to choose if you want to be a one of a kind when it comes to your customized [VC] voice dot or if you wish to share it with others by allowing us to put it in the marketplace for sale. Please see the notecard within the folder at the time of purchase for more information on customizing your [VC] Voice Dot.


If You Agree To Allow Very Cherry To Sell Your
Customized Voice Dot.

If you decide to allow resale on your customization we can send you up to 5% Revenue Distributions as a thank you so you get a little gifty with your custom and it will keep on giving gifts if they sell so you will need t give a good review and tell all your friends and anyone that will listen and purchase your collaboration with Very Cherry on your Voice Dot, COOL huh? It's our appreciation to you for purchasing and giving a review for the product you helped us make better just for you and now your friends!
There is a limit of people that can receive Revenue Distributions and it's me the owner, the store and the one that purchased the [VC] Voice Dot and it's customizations. We will NOT add your partner or anyone else, period.


Thank you so much for your purchase!
Please enjoy your purchase!
Ăяυm Ĺyηη Ŧσхх (violetcrush.bravin)




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Vendido por: VioletCrush Bravin
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