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VVV - I didn't do it

VVV - I didn't do it
VVV - I didn't do it
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Do you make gestures? Do you get annoyed when somebody else is talking about how they make gestures too? Yea, me too.

Male voice, pitched high

Part of the self-aware series, gestures about gestures!

Verity's Veritable Gestures

**All gestures are 10-30% discounted in our In-World store vs. buying them off the marketplace**

Or on Marketplace at:

Also check us out at:

Now PROUDLY presenting Gestures by Amy! Get some today!!

For questions/comments/concerns please IM or NC Gage Verity


Most (if not all) Verity gestures are mod/copy so that you may edit both the chat and make silent versions.

If you would like a custom gesture made we would be happy to assist, shoot me an IM and we can discuss price based on complexity and permissions.

Have fun!

L$ 30

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


Verity's Veritable Valuables
Verity's Veritable Valuables
Vendido por: Gage Verity

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