Not meant to be elegant, not meant to be classy the Vulcano fireplace like the god that is named after was made to work hard, to be functional and practically indestructable.
It can resist temperatures above 1000 degrees celsius and heats up the whole house with a system of heat transfer. Plus creates steam for your sauna and it can power the steam elevator
All original hand crafted of the finest metals and materials 100% mesh and baked textures it is the perfect choice for the owner who is more concerned with quality and functionality than aesthetics.
With an excellent Land Impact it will not break your floor (4 at default, 5 if resized by 0.10%) it also mantains a very good Level of Detail (LOD) even at default/medium mesh settings.
The fireplace has the shininess material activated. For better effects turn on the ALM (advanced lighting model) in the graphic preferences of your viewer.
It comes with a resizer script included and with a fire activation script to turn on and off the fire.
V1.1 updated spec maps
For any additional information or help, IM Hattie Panacek in world.
Ver el artículo en Second Life- 100% original mesh
- Baked textures with light effect
- Fire can be turned off with simple click
- Resizable
- Low Land Impact (prim count) good LOD
Great quality as expected :D and thanks for the affordable deal. most apperciated.
modifiable by using the re-sizer hud by right-clicking the fireplace. just FYI but I'm sure you all know that already but just in-case you didn't.
so perfect!
This fireplace is MORE than I wanted! Thank you for this awesome design.
very very nice
5 stars for one of the best fireplaces in SL
Great details and textures, lots of options for use. 5 stars.
Anyone into steempunk (or just awsome stuff) will love this highly detailed Fireplace. Resizing is simple using the included resize script. Deleting those afterwards (also through the menu) will save you from some more lag. clicking the fireplace will also turn on / off the flames.
Works great with my wooden cottage. Thanks alot for this great product
One of the nicest fireplaces in SL...instantly catches your eye..thank you for such a superb piece!