This item includes:
✦ 1 TeeglePet skin texture
✦ 1 TeeglePet hoof texture
I bring you, the fimshies! A new line of Teegle horse coats sporting fun new custom scale textures. They also have a custom specular and normal map to further enhance the look of said scales.
Currently, these are only compatible with all breeds besides Styx, Mech Horse, Kelpie, and Hippocampus. I may look into refitting these textures for the kelpie and hippocampus someday, but I assure you that won't be any time soon sadly.
A demo rezzer is available in-world so you may view this item in-person!
This is a body applier ONLY! It does not come with an eye, mane, or tail texture, sorry! The horse is also not included within this product, although I am sure that is already obvious.
Thank you so much for checking out my product! If there are any issues do NOT be afraid to shoot a notecard to TheWWG19 resident <3
Ver el artículo en Second Life- TeeglePet Horse Coat