Here comes a very naturalistic looking fountain. Three floors will let the water pouring down. Only the water moves, nothing else.
The item is copy and modify, the script inside is not.
- Fountain where just the water moves
- very calming flair
- a script gives the impression of the water moving
- no lag texture
- soft light impression
Enganação, trampa!
Rita Munro podia avisar q era uma imagem gif, compra quem quer e sabendo o que é, mas ela (RitaMunro) deixa vc pensando q é uma fonte construída. isso é desonestidade, uma enganação por 49L podia ser vendido a 5L. ela deveria ter um mínimo de decência e devolver os lindens...afinal não achei meu dinheiro na rua. Nojo!
this is just a GIF photo
this is crap, a 3d GIF picture, for 50 linden ha ha, it is a rip off, do not waiste your money!
Very Nice
It is a nice low prim log lag item...reading other very unflattering is my opinion that you didn't not read the details of the items prior to your purchase. She says it is not sculptie only the waters moves. And had it made sound and been more of a sculpture it would not be low prim and low lag. It's not the creator's fault if you don't read the details she gives you all the details but she can't read them to you.
Waste of money.
I can't believe with SL graphics as advanced at they are that anyone would want this flat animated picture of a fountain.