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XeoLife Reusable Food - Strawberry Mousse Tart

XeoLife Reusable Food - Strawberry Mousse Tart
XeoLife Reusable Food - Strawberry Mousse Tart
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Increase your stats without breaking the bank!

3D Mesh food for Xeolife Users. This food is not animated. It's for placing on your dining table. Completely reusable. Low li. Shareable with family and friends. When it runs out just reset it again. Easy!

Chef's House - Making your XeoLife affordable!

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L$ 60

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Chef's House of Second Life
Chef's House of Second Life
Vendido por: JenniferSteele Wilder

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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

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