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*Xtal* Pose with me Unicorn Set

*Xtal* Pose with me Unicorn Set
*Xtal* Pose with me Unicorn Set
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The *Xtal* Pose with me Unicorn Set is a pair of snowy white Unicorns, one in a rearing pose and one in a prancing pose, each of which contains 20 standing poses and 3 ride poses of one person. Place these in your garden or around your land to provide a magical place to pose for photos or even just to chill out!

Prancing Unicorn - 4 Land Impact
Rearing Unicorn 5 Land Impact

Copy/Modify/No Transfer (scripts and animations are copy only!)

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L$ 350

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*Xtal* Store
*Xtal* Store
Vendido por: Krystal Iridescent

Se necesita terreno

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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