DoubleLace Curtain b2 Versión NewPassion
Pretty, menudriven and very exclusive curtain with soft windy flexi.
(no open/close - static curtain with flexi)
You can use this curtain infront of a sculpted window.
This basic curtain includes transparency (alpha channels), which means it will flicker from certain angles, if you put it infront of a window made with transparency (alpha channels).
If you have a transparent window then look at some of my sculpted curtains instead, that doesn't include transparency/alpha channels.
You can set it to look just like you want through the menu and if you prefer to edit the curtain yourself then it is modifyable.
The curtain is also copyable so you can hang as many as you like and yet you only have to buy this once.
Basic+ v2 curtains (1 prim):
No Open/Close. Static curtain.
Colorable: 120 different colors to choose from
Resize: resize it just by stretching it
Permission: Includes permission option (owner/group/all).
Wind (flexi): Set wind to no wind, breezy, blowy, windy or stormy
Transparent: 5 different levels for transparency.
Glow: 8 different levels for glow.
Brightness +/-: Set brightness to on/off
Reset: Resets to default settings.
Modify and Copy.
- Advanced menudriven operation
- Static curtain (No open/close)
- Permission options (Owner/Group/all)
- Brightness/Glow/Transparency/Wind/120 different colors
- incl. alpha channel