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..Yama's Ideas.. Sea Devil Female

..Yama's Ideas.. Sea Devil Female

_*Sea Devil*_ (female version)

* Perfect tail for those who go for dark, mysterious look..
* Scales that blends into body. No need for appliers.
* Materials, shine. (Use advanced lighting to see)

You get:
fitted mesh - works with mesh and basic bodies

* 5 joint tail - to use with 5j ao;
* basic mesh tail - to use with basic ao/dances;
* flexi fins;
* alpha layer;
* fitting guide (follow if you see anything weird in shape).

For any questions contact:

Yetica Emerald

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estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado January 05, 2024 por p1e2l3l4e5g6r7i8n9

Very nice! Ty

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estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado October 24, 2023 por Susan Hunniton

I AM MAITREYA BODY and I have found that if you wear the BASIC TAIL AND FIN, that it is smooth as glass. You do not even have to use BoM to wear it! I especially love that I can couple dance without my expensive mesh tail bending oddly. SO, if this is something that has been concerning you, do not hesitate to get this great tail!!!


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love it
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado March 08, 2017 por kari Parkin

will you ever update this genitals , i would like one like that if poss

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Very pretty...BUT
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía estrella vacía Publicado January 15, 2017 por Starlata

it keeps deforming on me. I sent a NC to the creator but never heard back. Also, it would be nice if it were just a bit longer. A little too short for me.

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Gorgeous tail!
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado September 11, 2016 por Ching Neox

This is one of my most favorite tails. Perfectly done, the colors are lovely, and the natural glow is stunning. The fin is flowy with different mermaid ao's that I have, just beautiful. Very happy. Keep creating! <3

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