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Zooby Animesh Baby 4 Little Bears Table & Chair Set (Boxed)

Zooby Animesh Baby 4 Little Bears Table & Chair Set (Boxed)

Adorable. Zooby scripted Three Bears themed table set with Bear chairs and honey pots. Includes chairs, table, texture changeable braid rug, animated forest shade trees that softly sway, and garden on/off string lights. Beautiful wood deck included with On/Off/Auto lights when touched.

Three light sources included. Each with their own intensity of light. Use one or ALL!:
1. Garden String Lights
2. Deck Rail Lights
3. Stair/Step Lighting

When table is touched, a menu will pop up to decorate with the following items:

Birthday Party
Hot Dogs
Cookies & Milk
Etchy Sketchy
Honey Pot
Cookies Plate (for placing a Zooby Baby Cookies plate)
3 Bears

*An option to 'CLEAR' the table is provided in the OWNER portion of the popup menu.

*For friends to use the table chairs, they must purchase a 'friends hud' at the Zooby in-world store OR owner of this set must be a caretaker.

LOW Land Impact! 33 LI for entire set. Includes 3 color chairs in brown, pink and blue.