fishing seat linden giver - traffic booster
Fishing seats with a linden prize to boost the fun at your venue ! Delivered boxed with four seats inside. 20 mins, 30 mins, 40 mins and 60 min versions delivered.
These fishing seats auto die after 5 uses. They will message the owner when they auto die with their location in case owner wishes to rez a replacement. After each award the user is unseated. These failsafes prevent AFK campers sucking all your cash away !
Owner can set the prize value of the fishing seat by changing the payout value in the seats product description. Change the number you see to the value of the prize you want to give, then edit>content>reset scripts.
Debit perms must be given on every rez and every reset after changing prize value. The chairs are yes copy yes mod for retexturing / tinting and for setting the prize value. Dont worry there's no sneakies and no commisions.
Yes copy yes mod, prize script yes copy only. 1 LI each, see / test inworld and vid link below
Ver el artículo en Second Life Ver vídeo »- yes copy yes mod
L$ 99
Es necesaria la apertura
Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).
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