This sign is copy and mod for sizing please enjoy if you have any issues contact me i will fix them for you.
Ver el artículo en Second LifeGREAT JOB!
I think your game zone sign does a good job. It's mod and copy for the smart cookies.....i love it.!!!!!
5 stars from me!!!
Nothing but a flat prim
Made the mistake of not checking the reviews before buying. This is nothing but a flat prim texture. Please do not buy
This isn't a sign. It is a flat prim/texture.
It has the blue brick background. It doesn't glow. It looks like they took a screenshot of a good sign somewhere in world.
It's cheap, but still a waste of your money. I made the mistake of not checking the reviews. Please don't be me.
Wish I read the reviews.
As stated above. Sorry. Thought it was a sign
This is not a sign as advertised. It is a prim with a picture.
Don't Be Fooled...
...just an image I could have cut and pasted from Google images myself.
Enjoy your 20 Linden.