Fullperm-Version (including all textures as fullperm, too) of this sand heap, made of fresh finest gravel sand.
I also sell this item as Copy+Mod for 79L$ (see related items).
Seen in Berlin, Westendallee, Oct.2019.
Original sized: 2,56m x 3,84m x 0,89m.
Comes in original sandy-color (smooth and hard) and in 12 other color/texture versions (see pics). And you can tint them further more different yourself by viewer-edit-menu.
Each heap in 3 technical versions, too, each in different LOD-versions also:
- 1 piece, 1 texture-tile 1024px. NoLOD: 2 impact (1,5 -> 2 linked = 3 impact), LODed versions: 2, 3, 5, 7 + 11 impact.
- 1 piece, 6 texture-tiles 1024px. NoLOD: 2 impact (1,5 -> 2 linked = 3 impact), LODed: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11 impact.
- 2 pieces, 6 texture-tiles 1024px. NoLOD: 1 impact, LODed: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 + 13 impact.
The advantage of the 2-pieces-version is, that it enables only 1 impact instead of 1,5 - 2 impact in its lowest LOD version. And you can use half a heap-side for placing it beside a wall by reducing 40-60% impact (halves have different impact).
Non-bright textures, no scripts, flat bottom, all as phantom.
C+M, stretching larger/smaller results more/less impact.
Vertices (inworld data): 6,1K, Tri: 11K
See pics and inworld (inworld two examples with 6 texture tiles and all 14 with 1 texture tile, noLOD are shown).
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