This Store
Kim's Kreations
Kim's Kreations
Vendido por: Kimberly Shieldmaiden
Te has unido: November 09, 2009

Naughty, fun, elegant, pretty. All of them at once if possible!

Thank you for taking a look at Kim's Kreations! If you would like to keep up with sales and new products, join my in-world Kim's Kreations store group (copy the URI and paste it into chat to create a clickable group link: secondlife:///app/group/0ab5b019-7cfa-4650-9014-b087a29bedee/about ). Enrollment in my group is free and open to anyone.

Thanks again, and if you need help or have questions, please contact me in-world.

Kimberly Shieldmaiden

Awesomely assisted and advised by StephanyPPRM Setzer (Kim's Muse) & Nikita Ornamental.


Guiding Principles:

** Stuff in second life COSTS TOO MUCH. I try to sell for less. Don't be mistaken: designing for SL takes time and money. But sometimes the prices I see amaze me.

** There are things others haven't made that people would like, or else could be made better or less expensive.

** Customer service counts. If you need help, I'll do everything I reasonably can do to help you!

I make a variety of items from General to Moderate to Adult categories (make sure to show all categories to see all my items :)

I look for niches that I don't feel have been filled, or not filled well. So I might add something different than previous items as I think of them and design them. Check back often! :)


** No refunds or exchanges. I do try to review orders as they come in, but I don't always see them. If you mistakenly bought two of something on the same order (it happens, it's happened to me, before), let me know, and I'll consider a refund of the duplicate.

** Send me a notecard in case of non-delivery or other issues with your purchase. Please include your SL name, the date of purchase an

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