Slink Store / Cinnamon&Chai Store by Siddean Munro
Vendido por: Siddean MunroTe has unido: April 19, 2007
- Perfil
I have been in Second Life since 2007, actively creating for my store Slink. I have just opened a new mesh body brand called Cinnamon & Chai.
If you purchase a product and have any issues with it please contact Slink Resident or CinnamonChaiCS for customer support.
Please contact us and allow us the opportunity to resolve any issues before leaving a negative review.
- Políticas
Please contact Slink Resident in world for any support needs.
*Product permissions are not negotiable.
*Please try on a demo before buying.
*Purchases will not be refunded for buyers remorse.
*Please contact us and allow us to resolve any issues before leaving a negative review.
Se ha encontrado 1 objeto coincidente.

Slink Store / Cinnamon&Chai Store by Siddean Munro por Siddean Munro
L$ 2,600