This Store
Salbar's Odds and Ends
Vendido por: Salbar Skytower
Te has unido: October 27, 2008

Welcome to my little shop.

I sell a bit of everything here as you can probably see over time! From animations, to scripts, to weapons, to music instruments and dances! You name it.

Most of my stuff will be sold for cheap because I rather make people happy in Second Life and give back to the community what I received over the years. All purchases will go towards new projects that might interest you.

If there are any problems or questions whatsoever then please go ahead and message me Inworld. Notecards are also a good and acceptable way to get my attention.

Salbar Skytower


Every item that I put up for sale is now allowed to be re-sold as is.

The use of "Copybotters" or anything similar is strictly prohibited by Second Life's ToS and by myself as well.

You are free to modify and change the items you purchase as you see fit if I set the modify rights.

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