This Store
[ V I T A L I S   A N I M A T U M ]  Poses
[ V I T A L I S A N I M A T U M ] Poses
Vendido por: Locuala Madruga
Te has unido: October 29, 2009

We would like to welcome you to our store and thank you for your support.

Please read the following for some of our store policies and interesting info. Thanks.

☆You have Poses reverse, Turn, with level 2 or level 4, poses body parts, unisex poses and more in our Store.
If you need any special pose, please contact via notecard with our Management for this
VitalisAnimatumManagement Resident.


☆In case that you dont get on your inventory your pose, and you paid - DONT BUY IT AGAIN" , please contact with VitalisAnimatumManagement Resident , writting a notecard explaining what happened.

☆Purchases are considered final and no refunds are issued unless duplicate purchases can be refunded or exchanged. In that case, You can send a notecard inworld with written your name on, with the tra

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