This Store
~Darkest Desires~ Weddings & Planning
~Darkest Desires~ Weddings & Planning
Vendido por: Dragonzgirl
Te has unido: December 14, 2012

I am a minister here in SecondLife and also a Minister in the real world. Everything you see that I have for sale here will be custom made. I have been in SecondLife for over 5 years. ~Darkest Desires is now open, come and see the products in world.


My Policies are simple: What you pay for is the finished product, but you will receive a demo. You pay for the product, send me a notecard with the information you will get your finished product in 24 hrs.

No Refunds, so make sure you want your custom product before you buy. IM me with any questions you have or come visit us in world at ~Darkest Desires~Weddings

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