This Store
Openly Ginger
Vendido por: KaizyDays
Te has unido: September 07, 2016

Making my own fun in Second Life by making everyday things we need and use!

Now selling KittyCatS! collectibles and collections

**NOT a KittyCatS! creator**

If there are any issues with your purchased kitten box please contact a proper KittyCatS! admin in world.

These kitten boxes are NO COPY. I cannot replace them. Cannot be held responsible if your box is lost on delivery. Please contact LL for any non delivered purchases.


All platforms are Copy and Mod. Nothing except the notecards is transferable. Each item is crafted with love and uses only legally purchased textures from other creators in sl.
Most items come with more than one version to help suit your needs. You can always drop me a notecard with any concerns.
All sales are final. No Refunds.

Cannot be held responsible for broken kitten boxes or kittens.

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Se han encontrado 373 objetos coincidentes.

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