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LMC Content Creation
LMC Content Creation
Vendido por: Niah Larsson
Te has unido: June 12, 2007

High quality full perm mesh clothing templates & Photoshop PSD templates for content creation. The templates are designed to get you started in the virtual world of clothes designing. No matter if you are an absolute beginner or an advanced SL designer our products are versatile, highly customizable and will save you hours on your computer. Simply get our optional add on texture packs to have a full collection at hand, or create your own stunning textures and personalise your items. We support the following sizes: Maitreya Lara & Petite, Kupra Inithium, Slink Physique & Hourglass, Belleza, Freya, Altamura, Legacy, TMP, eBody, eBento, Reborn


-All templates may only be used to make clothing to resell with either Copy OR Trans enabled.
-No giving away or selling any parts as PSDs, TGAs, textures or full perm clothing.
-You merely buy a "license" to use the templates - full license is contained in the product information.

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