This Store
The Curious Seamstress
Vendido por: Kembri Tomsen
Te has unido: July 24, 2007


No cash refunds. I'm saying that up front so there is no mistakes about that policy. So please, be sure before you spend and save us both the stress!

If you need an applier for an outfit, please IM or drop me a note card in world.

There are many, many more items (200+) at my inworld store. So please drop by sometime.

I'm entering my 9th year of designing in SL. I think the pleasure of an outfit is in the history and the details, as well as meticulous prim or mesh work. I try to make my ensembles accurate for the time period they are from. From undergarments to hats or headpieces when I can and when I think it appropriate. I am also starting to offer a small selection of accessories like coats, shoes and hair, also based on period items. Each outfit comes with a note card commenting on the outfit or time period.

Many of my gowns are based on actual, though often forgotten designer gowns of over a hundred years ago or more. Charles Worth, Doucet, Pingat, and Callot Souers to name a few. However, I never, ever do designer gowns from living designers or modern design houses. My cut off time period is the 1920s, though I do gowns from the 1930s and 1940s as well. Just not designer gowns! This is out of respect for the work of living designers who have no need of me reproducing their items in Second Life. And there's that whole DMCA thing!

Not all gowns come with undergarments. Some of the older ones do not. Just a head's up!

Those gowns that are antique designer based usually have it marked in the ads.

I can say without a doubt you will not find better authentic period clothing for role playing purposes in Second Life. My most popular eras are Victorian and the 1920s, with a bit of Edwardian tossed in for fun.

Thank you for your interest. I do wish buyers to enjoy the products, and hope you too, will be one of my customers.

Cordially yours,
Kembri Tomsen
The Curious Seamstress


If there is an issue of non-deliver and LL hasn't helped you. Please drop a notecard or IM to me. Please do be polite, as rudeness will get you ignored and muted.

No cash refunds. If a refund is requested then the item must be returned, and the refund would be with store credit.

Please rate any items you purchase from me, good or bad! I'm a big girl, I can take it! Constructive commen

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