This Store
.::[ Angelic Designs ]::.
.::[ Angelic Designs ]::.
Vendido por: Angelica Leiner
Te has unido: April 03, 2008

Angelic Designs came to the market over 8 years ago,and it grew exponentially ,now you can find most of your garden and wedding needs all in one place,from flowers to candles,trees,decorations,full wedding sets,underwater landscaping and much more,also extending into home furnishing as well.
The marketplace has just a part of the items listed,you can find much more inworld at the store,sales every weekend,feel free to drop by and click one of the subscribers if you wish to stay up to date with news(this will not take one of the precious group spaces)
We participate in the 60L$ WeekEnd Sale as well (inworld only) look out for the best offers Fridays to Sundays!
For any product related issues please drop a notecard to Angelica Leiner,I will get back to you in a matter of 24 hours tops(unless on RL vacation,in that case might take a bit longer)
Have a great SecondLife ~Hugs~ Angelica


Copy items will always be fixed and replaced in case the product is broken for some reason.
For no copy items,I will need the product sent back,in order to get it replaced.
If for some reason your inventory "eats" the item,if it was no transfer,it will be replaced,if you provide the sales data for it.
This however does not apply to no copy items.
Do not take custom orders for the time being,

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