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Hot Whips Custom Auto's
Vendido por: 504 Coleslaw
Te has unido: April 24, 2009

Est 2009 Hot Whips has set new standards for car lovers that love the "not stock" look.We specialize in aftermarket products from custom rims radios and speakers to name a few things. We are in a class of our own while many may try to copy our look and style we are the BEST on SL at what we do. Look forward to having a exclusive car that is not all over the grid being sold on every corner you pass. We stand out because we produce our own cars so you can know what to expect. Perfection every time!! We also do custom work so feel free to contact us via IM or note card. More cars, trucks and bikes can be found at our inworld store. Thanks for making Hot Whips your number 1 car supplier.

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