This Store
Chaotic Creative & Clearly Chaotic
Vendido por: Avari Carrasco
Te has unido: December 25, 2009

CHAOTIC CREATIVE - Poses and props, as well as full perm backgrounds and textures. Formerly FAR Concepts, Chaotic Creative is owned by Avari Carrasco and Falkner69 Runner.

CLEARLY CHAOTIC - Clothing and accessories, furniture and decor


========= FAR Concepts TOS ===========
========= Chaotic Creative TOS ===========

By reading this, you accept the following Terms of Service.

All full perm items bought from, won from, or given to by Chaotic Creative, FAR Concepts or its subsidiaries and partners are for personal and commercial building use.

You are not allowed to resell/repackage/give away any full perm items in pa

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