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13T FreeMesh & FakeAO

13T FreeMesh & FakeAO

Intro (tl;dr):--------------------------------------------------------------

So I was putting out a new product box one day and I said to myself, "Wow, a fullbright cube is sooo 2012." So hey! Why not make a mesh box? Same thing as a SL cube, but since you never see the bottom, flip that over and make it a shadow.

Then I was squashing that same cube to make a quick wall vendor panel and thought to myself, "Wow, cube wall panels are so 2007!" Why not make one with no back, no bottom... and heck, even sloped sides for EVEN FEWER TRIANGLES!

And omg, using a WHOLE cube for ONE alpha map? Pfft! Or even a two sided window? Tsk tsk tsk!

So I designed and built these; they're quick and cheap, so...!



13T FAO textures

These are Fake Ambient Occlusion maps. REALLY fake. I just threw some gradients on in Photoshop :X And blurred two shapes.

How To Use Them:

Throw the FAO-square on a 1-sided plane to create an Ambient Occlusion shadow under a box. Use the FAO-circle for a cylinder/sphere.

TIP: Set the transparency to about 55% for best (subtle) results.

You can also use them as a 'tattoo' layer on your prim signs/boxes and stuff. See the enclosed "13T_FreeMesh Box w/ FAO tattoos" for how that works.
Now you don't have to bake your textures each time, you can throw on FAOs :X


* Box: the box with shadow bottom

* Box w/ FAO tattoo: prim box with the MeshBox preloaded with FAO maps

* Panel: A wall panel for displaying stuff. Flip and stick two together for a freestanding floor display.

* Plane1Sided: 1 plane, one side. for posters, stickers, shadows pins that are just alphas, etc etc etc etc

* Plane2Sided: 1 plane, 2 sides. for window panes, 2 sided signs, etc.

* White Photo Corner w/ FAO tattoos 1 Sided: i threw this together out of 6 1-sided planes, white walls with the FAO alphas on the inside. Texture the back planes any way you want. The thing cost half as many prims as the one I built of actual prims to do the shoot on. :X so hey! Also, the outside walls are transparent. If you like that sort of thing.

* NEW: 01-2023: Cell Phone and Rounded Rectangle: i wanted to make a classy hud with rounded corners, so...

13T PhysicsTriangle DAE:------------------------

OH! I almost forgot! I also figured out, that since SL automatically stretches your physics model to fit your mesh model's bounding box, all anyone ever really needs (if making like phantom objects, wearable accessories, etc that don't NEED collisoins) is one simple triangle.

Instead of making your own triangle, you can download it here: https://www.deviantart.com/bloodsong13t/art/PhysicsTriangle-dae-772838414


These are FREE and FULL PERM.

You can use them in builds and sell your builds. You can download the textures and use them as overlays or modify them, use them commercially, upload to OpenSim or wherever, etc etc. It's all good.

Just don't throw them in a box with YOUR logo on it and sell 'em, eh? :P Or... if you DO, gimme the money!!


  • Box w/ Shadow Plane
  • Wall Panel
  • 1- & 2-sided Planes
  • Fake AO shadows
  • Bonus: Physics Triangle dae file
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 31/7/2020 de Maria Molina

Just what I needed. Thank you!! <3

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