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69 Park Ave - GQ Ruby Black Modern Suit - Tux - Complete Outfit - MESH Version 4.0

69 Park Ave - GQ Ruby Black Modern Suit - Tux - Complete Outfit - MESH

69 Park Ave - GQ Ruby Black Modern Suit - Tux - Complete Outfit - MESH

An elegant signature series black modern suit - tux with red ruby accents on jacket, bow, and vest.

Works with Mesh Avatars SLink, TMP and Signature, etc...

*Not recommended for Aesthetic.

Dress to impress... GQ Men's Formal Wear

*Includes dress shoes with re-size menu

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Simple and impressive
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 4/5/2017 de Niecho Amour

Well made, simple to add, looks great! Great for formal occasions where you need something elegant for RP. (Note: works on my Signature Gianni body)

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