7 -DRD- The Reanimator - Workbench

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7 -DRD- The Reanimator - Workbench

Created and packed by DRD (Deathrowdesigns Resident) for Ironwood event 2018


Important !!!
* NO COPY Gacha Items: This product was NOT created by .: Inspi[RED] Dots :.™ and is transferable gacha item (resell collectables items)
* For expensive items if you like to see the item before buy it you can contact me via notecard inworld so we can arrange a meeting
* To insure your transaction don't buy it if you are offline or in laggy places. In case you wanna gift it buy for your self and give it (transfer item)
*100% guarantee original item (no empty boxes here !)
* NO re-delivery - Contact SL support for delivery issues



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.: Inspi[RED] Dots :.™
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Vendu par : Brett Loup
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