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(7S) Common Fish: Blue Frost Fish

(7S) Common Fish: Blue Frost Fish

(7S) Common Fish: Skunk Shrimp

The perfect pet. Needs no food or water. Just wear it and it swims around your head or other attachment point. Cute movement and animations on this one, too :) Bubbles and blinking eyes!

This fish can also be used with the 7S aquarium systems for your home or shop. Want to buy an aquarium, fishing area kit and fishing rod so you can catch your own? Visit our vendor at the Leopard Lounge.


Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • pet fish
  • skunk shrimp
  • Common
  • 7s
  • transfer
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 25/4/2017 de Amelap Silverfall

My favorite from BrendaLee Fredriksson's store! If only all of their fish pets were blinking! :)

Wow, I love (7S) companions! Simple, pretty, funny and friendly! What else to say? For almost free (L$5) you receive a lovely pet that will be swimming around your avatar when worn. An easy and funny manner for enhancing your avatar. :p

Its animation is great in my opinion. Of course, as noted, it is NO copy NO modify which is sad honestly, but anyways! Very easy to use and I've even been able to add into my (7S) aquatic pets a script that is allowing me to write texts above their head just like a RP titler. They looks excellent and I'm sincerely satisfied.

Contrarily to what you may think, I have other pets whose animations are bothered by the lag. It is not the case for these pets here. It's all good and you can attach it anywhere.

So thanks a LOT to its creator, and most of all, have an amiable time people! :*

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