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[AC] Modern Display Stand V.4 - Crate

[AC] Modern Display Stand V.4 - Crate
[AC] Modern Display Stand V.4 - Crate
1 Avis

[AC] Modern Display Stand V.4

..The product crate contains;..

Display Stand V.4 [AO]
Display Stand V.4 [Metal Frame]
Display Stand V.4 [Wood Frame]
AO Maps
UV Maps
Texture Bakes

100% Original mesh model included in 3 preset versions

Full Permissions - Copy/Modify/Transfer - Please see license included for terms..

All models have multiple texture faces;

AO maps and UV maps are included for making new textures with external software

Textures can easily be added to the screen display inworld

All models supplied at 2 prims each, Unlinking the shadow plane will lower the overall land impact to 1 Prim

The display screen can be selected in edit linked mode and rotated to a desired angle

If you have any questions or purchase issues please send me an IM.

Kind Regards

Gully Rivers

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Very beautiful
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 13/12/2016 de XbabylonX

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L$ 49

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[AC] Aethis Creations
[AC] Aethis Creations
Vendu par : GullyRivers

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