Single sculpted rose. It's only 3 prims, and also LOD resistant, so that you can rez it in world without filling up your parcel. This rose comes with Modify and Transfer permissions. Modifiable so you can link multiple roses together to make a bouquet or vase full of flowers, and transferable so you can give them out as gifts.
Click "View All by Merchant" to your right and see this product in different colors, or to get a full permission kit containing all color variations, additional leaves and stems, and much more.
Voir l'article dans Second LifeBrighten her day !
with this detailed and low-prim rose
The perfect gift....
...for just the right romantic touch. Beautifully detailed.
Bloody sweet looking rose, cool to carry it in your mouth to look all romantic and stuff. :P
Beautiful piece of work, shame its not copy, even if it is free. Even so, full marks.