G Général

[AMH] Darla the Bee - purple

[AMH] Darla the Bee - purple

Bz z Zz Bzz...

She's a bee, deciding on lunch! Darla's little jar for homemade honey is running on empty, but she's got a plan. An intricate map will lead her to that sweet, sweet treasure: golden flowers overflowing with precious nectar. Darla was lovingly sculpted and her textures were carefully baked. She blinks and resides on 3 attachment points.

Darla the Bee is available in 6 colors, this listing being for purple. Other individual colors are: brown, dark blue, light blue, pink and yellow. You can purchase the fatpack as well, containing all colors at a 50% discount.


For more images, showing all detail, please visit my blog:

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  • blinks