Anomalous Address RP Tool and Titler Version 1.0
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Welcome to the Anomalous Address RP tool and titler! Here's a quick primer to get you started:
3x Emotes: These emotes are for easily using the three talk modes.
RP Tool: Just the RP tool, if you don't need a titler, use this. It's lower lag.
Titler: Just the Titler, if you don't need an RP tool, use this. It's lower lag.
Combo: The titler and the RP tool combined into the same script. If you need both, use this.
Read Me: This thing.
◣◥◣◥ Note: Default channel is /4 ◣◥◣◥
!text - Sets the hover text. (Titler and Combo only)
!color - Sets the hover text color. RGB or Hex both work, use # before hex codes. (Titler and Combo only)
!colour - See above.
!name - Changes the name the RP tool uses. (RP Tool and Combo only)
!chan - Changes the channel used to communicate with the object. (RP Tool and Combo only)
!talk - Says the text following "!talk" as a regular message (i.e. "Name: Message") (RP Tool and Combo only)
!hide - Says the text following "!hide" without a name (i.e. " Message") (RP Tool and Combo only)
RP Tool: The base usage of the RP tool is to simply type on /4 or use the /e gesture included. This will use the emote style of posting. Using /4 !talk or the /t gesture will use the talk style of posting, and using /4 !hide or the /n gesture will post without an attached name.
Input -> Output
/4 says hi. [Name] says hi.
/e says hi. [Name] says hi.
/4 !talk Hi. [Name]: Hi.
/t Hi. [Name]: Hi.
/4 !hide Hi. Hi.
/n Hi. Hi.
Use the /4 !name command to choose what name the RP tool uses, and the /4 !chan command if you wish to change the channel you talk on. Note: If you change the channel and wish to use the gestures, you have to also go in and change the gestures.
Titler: /4 !text will open a dialog box to set the text. Multiple lines absolutely work. /4 !color or /4 !colour will open a dialog box to change the titler's color. This dialog box can take percentage RGB ("1,1,1" or "<1,1,1>"), numerical RGB ("255,255,255" or "<255,255,255>"), or hexadecimal ("#FFFFFF") input. The script will auto detect which you use, don't worry!
Quick and easy common color hex codes:
Navy, #001f3f
Blue, #0074d9
Aqua, #7fdbff
Teal, #39cccc
Lime, #01ff70
Yellow, #ffdc00
Orange, #ff851b
Red, #ff4136
Maroon, #85144b
Purple, #b10dc9
Silver, #dddddd
Gray, #aaaaaa
Combo: Works like the titler and the RP tool put together. Note: If you use the /4 !chan command on the combo, you'll have to use the new channel for the !text and !color commands.
Hope you find it useful! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact Alkaia Exonar.
- Efficient
- One script, one listener
- Simple to use
- Free!
Easy to Use!
Just wanted to put a more recent review on this one saying that it's super easy to use and I put it on all my character avatars! Actually bought this in November of 2023 and I'm still incredibly pleased with it. Highly recommend!
Pretty awesome, and a must have for RP.
I got this, and not only is it free, but works well.