Avaunt Black Blade War Tarn

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A very flexible flight program makes this bird a deadly dive manuevering arrow of danger, or a gentle soaring flight through the air over your lands.

This is a ridable mount for air flying/combat (no attachment to avatar)

You can use arrows or aswde to fly, this is also sl setup for joystick compatatble.

The Setup Control Panel allows you to choose your controls that you wish for the bird being rezzed.

Land Impact 16
Battle Type: 20/20 max speed 20, health of 20 points.

Tarn Setup Control Panel-set your rez choices to put in your whistle for speed/turns/pitch/up/down and the name of your bird.
Tarn Whistle rezzes the bird and sends it away
Keyboard/Gesture Controlled-copy/mod/transfer keys
Multiple levels of Speed
Multiple levels of Turns
Multiple levels of Pitch arc
Vertical Up and Down
Max Pump-the pump, instant on/off switch to a very high pitch/turn rate
Animated Flapping/Folding/Spread wings.-flapping wings in flight, folding for perch or spread wing to take flight
Perch/Park stances and Flight spreading of wings
Seating: Pilot, Passenger and Captive
*NOTE there are also the default sits, you can pile folks onto it, but there's a great chance you all will fall off and into the void on a sim crossing*
Scripted Camera gesture
Mouselook dismount -(yes, you can dismount in mouselook using this gesture/hotkey)
Getoff-throw all passengers off (make sure you're always the first one on)
Hood the bird

This is the Tarn Setup Control Panel
There is a default setup if you do not use the control panel.

You wear your Tarn Whistle.
The Tarn Whistle is a rezzer, it rezzes your tarn and also sends/deletes it away. You wear it like jewerly/clothing, right click on it in inventory and select add or wear.
Now place the Tarn Setup Control panel on the ground.

Then select what controls you want your tarn to rez with and a name.

You will get messages showing you the choices of the panel and whistle were accepted.

Panel Control: S&E: E/pageup is up, S/Arrowdown is down
Whistle Set Control: S&E: E/pageup is up, S/ArrowDown is down

Now put the control panel back into your inventory.
Your whistle will hold all the information you picked from now on, until you want to change it.

1. Wearing your Tarn Whistle.
2. Activate the Rez Tarn "B" gesture and Fly Spread Wings "1" gesture
3. Hit the B button on your keyboard to Rez the Tarn (Rez Tarn "B" gesture). You will see the avatar animate like they are blowing a whistle and hear the whistle.
4 Tarn appears in front of you perched-wings folded.
5. Right click on the center of the saddle or a wing to sit down
You will be in mouselook
You will see the control settings of Name, Control/pitch/speed/turn etc. appear.


Owner Seat
Name: I am for Sale, Click on Me
Control Set: E/pageup is up,S/DownArrow is down
Pitch Set: .04
Speed Set: 20
Turn Set: .5

6. Press the number 1 on your keyboard to spread the wings (Fly Spread Wings "1" gesture)
7. Start flying, default will be low settings, and the tarn will have no name



  • Tarn Setup Control Panel
  • Multiple Turns/Speed/Pitch and Vertical Flight
  • Whistle Rezzer
  • Name the Bird, Animated wings while flying
  • mouselook dismount, dismount passengers, hood the tarn

Avis (XX)

Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star empty star
  • 5 étoile :
  • 4 étoile :
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  • 2 étoile :
  • 1 étoile :
Tarn looks alright, but
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 27/9/2020 de Rob Huntsman

She sells better tarns that are scripted better at isle of tarns.

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 21/3/2020 de Dario Bouevier

1600L für etwas das sich weder aktivieren noch sichtbar machen lässt.

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?

L$1 600

Ajout au panier comme cadeau

(  caractères restants)
Tarn House
Visiter la boutique
Vendu par : Adoveea Rau
Utilisation immédiate

cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

  • full star full star full star full star empty star 4 Avis

  • Droits :
    Copier Modifier Transférer Soumis à licence utilisateur
    Voir les détails du produit pour des infos sur les droits
  • Réexpédition automatique
  • Impact sur le terrain : 16
  • Maillage : intégral