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JIAN Classic German Shepherd Adults

JIAN Classic German Shepherd Adults
JIAN Classic German Shepherd Adults
1 Avis



4 Texture Options!

Companion Version: Animated Pet that walks with you when you wear it!

Wanderer Version: (17LI) Animated Pet that wanders around a designated radius when you rez it!

Also Includes: Scripted Resize,and Animation / Sound Toggle!

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • NON-Animesh
  • 4 Coat Texture Options
  • Rezzed Wanderer
  • Worn Companion
  • Ready to Come Home With You!
Note moyenne : full star full star full star empty star empty star
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Middle of the road.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Publié le 17/9/2022 de bravodavis

It's a nicely done product. Bit on the expensive side considering alternatives in-world is available at a more reasonable price.
It's not perfect but probably the best one i have seen on here at this price apart from the Kennel Club. So, 3 stars as it becomes glitchy after a time and looks as if there is a graphics issue which i know is not my pc. But over all its ok. Do not take the teleport that say see item in-world. It's does not take you to this item in-world. The teleport takes you to their sim, but this dog is not anywhere on their sim at all to enable you to see this item before you comit yourself to buy. Have contacted the developer of this item about his teleport set up on marketplace but i guess that's fallen on death ears. Needless to say, this item isn't bad

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L$ 550

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Vendu par : JianSL

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Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 17