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BLUSH - Tiaf Jolly Beach - 2 Tones Colors - 1970 - Fatpack

BLUSH - Tiaf Jolly Beach - 2 Tones Colors - 1970 - Fatpack
BLUSH - Tiaf Jolly Beach - 2 Tones Colors - 1970 - Fatpack
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- Resizer included.
- Roof removable.
- Animations suitable for adults only.
- Perfect sitter for adjusting your position.
- 2 versions included: rezzable or wearable.
- The rezzable version allows 3friends with you.
- Sounds included for engine, horn & radio.
- Back and front lights work, with smoke for the engine.
- Lock system for the rezzable version.
- Safety hasard warning lights option.
- Camera inside or outside, for your friends too.
- Gloss, glow, highlight, and alpha options included.
- Materials ready.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Drivable
  • Rezable and Wearable too
  • Can drive anywhere

L$ 379

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Vendu par : DimplesApplePie Spicy

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Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 27