Jump Set "XCountry" Set 03
6 Cross Country Jumps
Packaged as BonaSalto Jumps
Designer: Adani
✯ ATTENTION: ================================================
This is a set of 6 jumps (Module_2).
Although you can use them alone you will probably find it useful and
more enjoyable to combine them with our showjumping course system.
These jumps can be combined with course layouts (Module_3)
using our Essential or Builder Pack (Module_1) to create complete courses.
USAGE: Please refer to the "BonaSalto Showjumping Manual" to understand the concept
and get information on the usage of this modular showjumping system. You find the
manual as a PDF for download on the SL Marketplace page of the Essential Pack:
===> https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BSS-Essential-Pack/21200492
On the same page you can also get a quick overview of the
> "General Concept" (picture 2)
and find a
> "What Do I take" (picture 3)
✯ The 6 jumps in this set are all meant for cross country courses. They come as
Bona Salto jumps packed in rezzers that allow you to rez and derez as needed and
use them with our jumping course system. They are all configurable via a menu.
You can modify the jumps or use parts of them for your own jump builds.
In general the jumps in this set are considerably lower than jumps used for
showjumping such as our "Hunter mix and match" series as they do not have jump poles
that would fall off when you hit.
✯ Bona Salto Jumps are built to enrich your sporting, equestrian pleasure. Our jumps are reliably designed for Teegle Pets and Avatars with riding system and most other horses, developed for use in Second Life. Used, in conjunction, with our highly accurate riding system, they create a complete, competitive experience that is tremendous fun and helps to enhance your skills, as a Second Life equine rider.
✯ We have included full instructions for your convenience.
- Can be used as a stand-alone jump or as part of a course.
- Packed as BonaSalto jump rezzers that can be used with our course system.
Checkpoint and flags included.
- Jump height can be controlled via the menu or a course rezzer.
- Modify as needed or use parts to build your own jumps.
- Notecard defined configuration menu allows you to tune even more details than
just the height.
- Access permissions to allow either owner, group or public access
- 100% mesh builds with physics, optimized for low land impact.
The jumps in this set:
1. Country Stile LI: 11 Height: 0.8 (0.5-1.8m) affects also spread (2 * height)
2. Bacchus LI: 9 Height: 1.25 (0.5-1.75m)
3. Wood Man1 LI: 7 Height: 1.2 (0.7-1.8m)
4. Wood Man2 LI: 8 Height: 1.2 (0.7-1.8m)
5. Beaver's Treasure LI: 8 Height: 1.0 (0.5-1.8m) affects also spread (1.3 * height)
6. Beaver's Big Treasure LI: 9 Height: 1.0 (0.5-1.8m) affects also spread (1.1 * height)
Total Land Impact (LI) including rezzers and checkpoint sensors: 52
Release Notes:
_v1.1 Updated sensor script to support multi-runner course tracker.