♀ *BIRTH* ♂
- Now includes BAKED ON MESH system layers.
- Full appliers come with various body hair options -
No Hair, 6 chest hair and 4 leg hair styles.
- 9 Tones in Fatpacks (Full Range).
[Legacy'smesh body sold seperately]
Suggestions, questions or delivery problems? Send a notecard inworld to Silent Alchemi.
© Creation & Images by Silent Alchemi. All rights reserved. Images may not be used, copied or multiplied without written permission
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Simple clickable HUD
- 6 Chest Hair Styles
- No Hair
- 4 Leg Hair Styles
- 9 Tones in fatpacks
There is no stand alone body hair layers
Other body skins offer stand alone body hair layers
A bit streaky
I had to buy this applier to fix my neck line. I looks fine, but the shading is a bit streaky and slightly off. But it works well ^^
Good tones i shoulda went a bit lighter o well apart from that i like