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Black Buckle Paw Boots M/F (box)

Black Buckle Paw Boots M/F (box)

Hey Neko Kitties and Furries! Do you need some paw boots that wont break the bank? Well here I have some really cool Black Buckle Paw Boots just for you! These boots have black fluffy paw feet and are decorated w/ black leather buckle straps. The toes have piercings, studs and black pearl hoops. These boots can be worn by both male and female avies too!

Thx for looking! =^.^=

  • Low Prim
  • Low Price
  • High Quality Textures
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Great boots for the price!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 21/3/2012 de Animoya

These are the first boots I found that fit my furry avatar without any nudging, and they look just fine with the fashion I paired them up with! Well worth it if you've got some fashion to pair them up with!

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?

L$ 50

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Imee's Stuff Shop
Imee's Stuff Shop
Vendu par : Imee Kenin

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