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.:*BoSH*:. Resizer PLUS Stretch HUD DEMO

.:*BoSH*:. Resizer PLUS Stretch HUD DEMO
.:*BoSH*:. Resizer PLUS Stretch HUD DEMO
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Resizer / Stretch & Squeeze HUD with tabs for one prim or multiple linked prims.. - Demo Version -

Only ONE script, not need to any setup, not need to any notecard configration, not need to over times take and rezz,

→ NO more scripts NO LAG..! ←

You can use it for all of the your creations (one prim or linkset no problem) and allows your custommers to resize and stretch/squeeze your no mod items on all axis.

Complete modifyable, you can rebuild it for your preferances with your prims and textures..

You can resize your objects in all X, Y, Z directions instead of just enlarging them.

√ Optional axis buttons gives you possibility to stretch or squeeze the object(s) in X, Y, Z or XY, XZ, YZ or XYZ directions. If you not need you can delete them, the hud works as trypical resizer without that buttons

√ You can deffine your needing rescale steps with unlimited buttons like as +1, +2, -5, -25 etc.

√ You can add unlimited tabs on the HUD or delete them. The HUD can be works with or without tabs. Each tabs works independent to others and holds its own settings, also can works with one more objects too. For example if you use it with an outfit, tab1 can works with jacket, tab2 works with belt, tab3 works with pant legs etc..

√ Each tab can back it's own store (orginal) size everytime.

√ If needing the script cleanable from object(s) content.

√ Also the HUD has a posing stand (apperance) option too.

so please be careful each prim on the linkset is stretched/squeezed according to its own local rotation, you will have to stretch prims as if you were editing linked parts and the script will not stops itself if a prim near SL limits of any axis on linkset. Simple explaining, each prim on linkset must to have same rotation.


√ .:*BoSH*:. Resizer PLUS Multi Stretch HUD (no mod/no copy/no trans)

√ .:*BoSH*:. Example Prim - works on tab1 -
√ .:*BoSH*:. Example Linkset - works on tab2 -
√ .:*BoSH*:. Example Sculpt - works on tab3 -
√ .:*BoSH*:. Example Mesh - works on tab4 -

√ Info NC
√ Main Store LM

- you can grab demo items for free from in world store -

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Vendu par : Boshwer Honi

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